Semarang, August 23 – SMAN 3 Semarang organized and hosted a weekly event for students on Friday, SpectaNutrition, which is one of the programs featured in SpectaFriday. This event was designed to educate the students about the importance of balanced nutrition and to inspire healthier eating and living habits within the school community.

The seminar began with an introduction by the school’s headmaster, Drs. Yuwana, M.Kom., and Sinta Laga Putri P., S.Pd., M.Pd., who gave a brief introduction and officially launched the event. The opening was then followed by a quiz session, led by the MCs, Xaviera Queenitia and Calisya Radhwa.

Each student from every class brought their own healthy packed meal, incorporating elements from the B2SA (Beragam, Bergizi, Sehat dan Aman, or Diverse, Nutritious, Healthy, and Safe) guidelines. The students then came together to enjoy their meals, sharing and appreciating the variety of nutritious foods they had prepared.

The female students were invited to collectively take iron supplement tablets. This activity was conducted to address common nutritional needs and to ensure that the students were receiving essential nutrients to support their overall health. This activity was accompanied by presentations on B2SA and stunting, delivered by Hening Cipta and Dinda Ayu. They provided comprehensive information on the principles of B2SA (Diverse, Nutritious, Healthy, and Safe) eating and the implications of stunting, explaining how proper nutrition can prevent stunting and support healthy growth.

The SpectaNutrition event, part of SMAN 3 Semarang’s SpectaFriday program, successfully promoted balanced nutrition and healthy living among students. With engaging presentations, and a collective effort to practice healthy eating, the event highlighted the importance of nutrition in supporting overall health and growth.

SMAN 3 Semarang is proud of its students’ dedication to fostering a healthier school environment and looks forward to supporting more SpectaFriday activities in the future. For more information on upcoming events, visit [web smaga]

Reporter: Rasha Naj’la Caesar (Student of SMA Negeri 3 Semarang)

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